
Padre National Sea Shore

This brief trip to the coast wasn't so much impromptu as it was an act of desperation. After  all, most of my decisions for the better part of 2023 have, ostensibly, been made with the goal of moving into my Prius and traveling for an undetermined amount of time... once A. moved in with his dad, and M. was safely ensconced in college, that is. However, since saying goodbye to M. and leaving both of my babes in the hands of The Great Unknown, I’ve let self-doubt and self-recrimination (the precursors to inertia and entropy) creep in. No… creep implies something that sneaks up on you… Something unseen and unexpected. This is more like a freight train–a freight train that can be seen coming from miles and miles [nay, years and years] away.  Imagine a rural railroad crossing in the wilds of the Texas plains or in the isolated desert of the southwest. There is no crossing gate, no flashing lights, just a lonely road and railroad tracks stretching as far as the eye can see in both direct